What is brain surgery? The term “brain surgery” refers to various medical procedures that involve repairing structural problems in the brain. There are numerous types of brain surgery. The type used is based on the area of the brain and the condition being treated. Advances in medical technology have enabled surgeons to operate on portions of the brain without a…

A condition is known as Chiari malformation, in which brain tissue extends into the spinal canal. The brain is forced downward when part of the skull is distorted or smaller than is typical. Chiari malformations are rare, but the increasing use of imaging tests has led to a more frequent diagnosis. There are three types of Chiari malformation, based on…

Brain Trauma or Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, can occur when the head is struck. A gunshot wound, for example, is piercing, while car accidents involve non-penetrating injuries. The severity of traumatic brain injuries varies. TBIs generally heal within days, but more severe forms of the injury can result in permanent damage or even death. Causes You…

Overview Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that causes painful sensations similar to an electric shock on one side of the face. This chronic pain condition affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from your face to your brain. If you have trigeminal neuralgia, even mild stimulation of your face — such as from brushing your teeth or putting on makeup…

When cancer cells spread from their original site to the brain, they are brain metastases. Almost any form of cancer can apply to the brain, but lung, breast, colon, kidney, and melanoma are the most likely to do so. The brain can be affected by a single tumor or many tumors. Symptoms Brain metastases can cause a variety of signs…

The fluid building up in the cavities (ventricles) deep within the brain is known as hydrocephalus. As a result of the excess fluid, the ventricles increase in size, and the brain is under pressure. In normal circumstances, cerebral spinal fluid flows through the ventricles and bathes the brain and spinal column in it. A high level of cerebrospinal fluid associated…